Thursday, November 19, 2009

If it's not one's another

5 weeks ago I was afraid for my sister and her baby, now this.....

My mom was admitted to the hospital last Monday because her platelet levels were ridiculously low (normal is like 350,000, hers was 5000) really bad. So we thought ok mom is in the hospital but she's still talking on the phone so it can't be that bad...well then it got worse, she developed pneumonia on Thursday but they were keeping close track of her so we were all just getting email updates from my dad saying she was doing alright. Sunday we get an email saying she was being admitted to the ICU and she had gotten ARDS which is a life-threatening lung infection - which was caused by the pneumonia....crazy right?? We knew it was extremely serious, I was a mess so my sister and I booked a flight up for the next day....this is the sister who just had a baby 5 weeks ago, so we were in for an adventure.

It was seriously the longest travel time ever!!! We met my brother at the airport and got to the hospital eventually. I walked in the room with my brother and my dad and I lost it. My mom has been the rock of our family - she doesn't get sick, she had been the breadwinner in my family for years - and now she is laying helpless in a hospital bed with a breathing tube, about 10 different IV's poking her and she is heavily sedated....not a fun time. I thought my mom was going to die- that is insane to write but we all just had no idea how bad it was.

Now it's Wednesday (well Thursday now) and she made vast improvements today alone. she had the breathing tube removed and she was awake and alert and talking and she stood up for a few minutes. She was really bothered that we were all there bugging her so she kicked us out for the night so she could concentrate on her breathing- she is still forced to wear an oxygen mask to help her but i'm sure by the morning she will be ready to check out....not that she's going anywhere soon. I am amazed at the nurses here, they have been awesome and sweet and they genuinely care about her- people are just nicer here in Washington, everyone I walk by smiles and nods - it's so odd!!

We find out tomorrow if the treatments that she was given to raise the platelets has worked, if not she will go into surgery to have her spleen removed.

She is totally frustrated by the situation so I hope that will keep her motivated to keep recovering. The sad part is she has an autoimmune disease that she will have for the rest of her life and will probably need regular treatments.

I'm glad she is alive, on Sunday I really thought I was going to lose my mom. Very scary, but I am glad we hopped on a plane here and can at least know exactly what's happening.

Thats all I got

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day

Here's a shout out to those men* who are serving and protecting our country right now! I definitely appreciate more than most that there are others out there doing it and not my man! He served his time and looked dang good doing it and I'm sure if there ever comes a time when he feels he is needed, he will step right up and do it again!!

Seriously how adorable is this picture!!!

*I did not say "men and women" because most women who enlist in the military want to be equals, so there you go ladies, you are equal and you all get one word!! Just like the scriptures!!