Saturday, May 31, 2008


So I'm very excited to be writing this post because I finally have an explanation for why I've been feeling so terrible lately! For those who have no idea what I'm talking about I have been feeling very exausted from the time I wake up until bedtime, I have a hard time concentrating and just basically feel like I'm running on empty. Well I recently went to the doctor and had some blood work done (thought it might be my thyroid)....of course it came back totally normal and she basically said I was just stressed out (now I know my body and that answer just didn't work for me!).
I was visiting my sister in Ventura this week and she has a bookkeeping client who is a holistic doctor and set up an appt for me! It was the most amazing experience! He basically examines just a prick of blood from your finger in a microscope and can then see what your deficient in....well I was all messed up! But he actually gave me the answers I've been looking for and sent me home with a whole crapload of supplements to get my body back up to normal speed and I'm just so relieved! He also found that I'm deficient in hormones to allow me to get pregnant so hopefully soon we'll see some changes and I can't wait!
Anyway if you've all been wondering where I've been I just haven't been able to function normally, but within the next week I should start seeing a difference in the next few days!!!! Yippeee!!!


Melissa said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. We have missed seeing you.

Kyra said...

Glad to know what is wrong with you- I knew there had to be something- I have missed seeing litle megan---

Niki McDowell said...

I'm so glad to hear that. We've totally missed you!

Anonymous said...

K, I LOVE your new picture backround!! ;) You guys are CUTE!! I do have to say...I AM HAPPY you called me!! THANKS SWEETS!! Also...glad to hear that you can get your body MOVING again at normal speed!! :) You are FREAKIN AWESOME! Come hang out!! LOVES!!

Heather said...

YAY! I love getting answers too! I'm glad you got some and I hope that it helps you feel better!

Vanessa said...

You're feeling better, YAY!!

The Gray Family said...

good luck with everything! Don't you just love it when you know something is wrong and the doctor says you're fine, just stressed? I'm glad you found someone to help! Hopefully all the stuff he gave you will do the trick :>) Love the new blog design by the way!

Kipn n' Sarah said...

So happy to have the Megan Back!!! Yeah, because I sure love The Megan!!! You are so fun, pop those pills, get your energy back, and LETS PLAY hard and work out hard!
Love the new pic and backdrop and all that jazz too!

melissa gargalis said...

So glad you're alive. I feel like I haven't seen you in awhile. I hope the supplements help with everything. Take care of yourself and RELAX.