We got to go on another adventurous rafting trip this past weekend! We were accompanied by many other awesome couples who we love! Our trip got off to a bumpy start when both Rob and Kyra started feeling carsick before we even got on the freeway, so we made a car change and everything was great! We got FREE chicken at chick-filet which was totally exciting. We got to sing karoke on the way, and I got to sit extremely close to Kyra the whole way!!
Friday 2 groups went out rafting so we just hung out at the little beach and played around taking random pics
My favorite pic of the day....Susie's first ride down the slide!!
Rob & Seth so cheery!
Saturday morning was our trip down the river and we were guided by our oh so wise friend Josh, then we have Susie & Brandon who I enjoyed getting to know better and seriously they are the nicest couple I've ever met!! Then Matt & Kyra, oh I just think they are awesome and they constantly keep us all entertained!
Rob was with me so I felt much safer with him around. We had an awesome time, I have definitely come to the realization that I am a big chicken! I don't like feeling like I'm going to get hurt, so I just don't do things, like going down the waterslides, jumping off the jump rock and even floating down the river....
We had an awesome trip, we are truly grateful for such amazing friends to get to go do these fun things with!
And as we were driving home I realized that I will miss Matt & Kyra SOOOO much over the next 6 months! They have become such great friends to both Rob and I and I just am sad to see them go....even if it is only for a short time!!!