Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Shhhh! Did you hear THAT??

This past weekend we traveled with our dear friends Kevin and Laura on a little camping extravaganza! We did some soul searching on the trip and found that none of us actually like camping!!! We really enjoy the hiking part of it and being in the wilderness, but the actual digging a hole to go potty, sleeping on the hard ground, no comfy place to sit and relax is not our cup of tea.

Here are the major highlights of the trip:
*We planned on staying 2 nights...we were up and packed after the 1st night!
*Kevin & Laura were freaked out all night because some critter was sniffing around their tent
*I had a dream that I was at my 36th b-day party and Justin Timberlake was there!
*We saw some naked men soaking up the rays at the hot springs
*We saw a bat fall out of a tree and die
*We saw a rattlesnake (we think it was dead)
*The amazing sky at night it was so beautiful seeing that many stars
*The best lunch I've eaten in a long time in Ojai
*Hot fudge sundaes at McDonalds
*Coming home to a cool shower and a super comfy couch!

Me & Rob (he wore his old marine boots and they were sooo cute!)

Kevin & Laura

Isn't this beautiful?

Rob, Kevin & Laura on their neverending hike (I took a nap)


The Woot-en Clan said...

Meagan and Rob,
Thanks for joining us. That was a blast. Next time we will enjoy our hike and then the hotel :) The creek was wonderful and you forgot about the snake in the rocks!

Melissa said...

Looks like fun... where did you go exactly?

The Gray Family said...

that sounds like such a fun trip! One day I will get motivated to plan something like that...you say you don't like camping, but you will have some good memories from that trip :>)

melissa gargalis said...

way to rough it sister! I am impressed and can't imagine how you could pee or otherwise in a hole in the ground-you have my respect! We totally missed having you be Twilight dorks with us last weekend. Maybe we could all go see the movie?...it does look kinda cheesy though.

Monica said...

You don't like camping now, just wait until you have kids. You will either never go because it is 10 x harder or go b/c they like it and it will still be 10 times worse. I am glad to know I am not the only camping complainer.

Anderson Family said...

You are too funny, you had me at hole in the ground. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

So I am JEALOUS!! Those pictures are BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks for HANGING with me!! Sorry I was going crazy with kiddlems...SNAKES??? AHHHH!!! I hate SNAKES!! I just have to say you are AN AMAZING GIRL!! :) LOVE YA!!!

Kipn n' Sarah said...

we wanna go next time for sure!