Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Gift of Sight

I had my LASIK done on Thursday and it was definitely a life changing experience for me! I've worn contacts all my life except for the last 2 months of wearing glasses to prep my eyes before the surgery. I wasn't nervous at all before and during, I actually didn't even consider the thought of something going wrong, just totally at peace.
Nobody prepared me for the drive home though! I was in serious pain and I couldn't get comfortable and I just remember ending up in the backseat and Rob going to Panda Express...but I got home and in bed and slept it off and work up with near perfect sight!!!!!
My close up sight is still a little hazy but the rest of my vision is perfect and colors and things are just so sharp and bright now, it's just amazing!

I do keep having major anxiety at night before bed because I just have this feeling like I'm supposed to take my contacts out, like I shouldn't be going to bed being able to see, so that has been an adjustment and I'm sure will go away in a few days, at least I hope so!

It's awesome to be able to look in the mirror at myself and finally see me! I love my eyes, they are one of my favorite features about myself and now I can fully appreciate all they do for me. I can't even put into words how blessed I am do be a part of a technology that can restore people's sight. It truly is a miracle and I will be grateful each and every day for this gift! I can travel so light now, no more contact cases, multiple cleaning solutions, glass cases, my life is forever changed!

I know that in the next couple weeks my night vision will be restored and this haze will start to go away, so I can't wait for it to just get better.

Life is wonderful, we have had so many blessings already this year and we know that when we work hard and do our part that we are blessed that much more.....


Heather said...

;) YAY! Meagan I am so happy for you!! You deserve great sight and so much more! Glad your blessings are rolling in, it is worth going through the hard stuff to get to this place! Love ya!

The Cook Fam said...

That is so awesome! Good for you. Do you feel kind of like Bella after she changed into a vampire where everything was so much more than she ever saw before? (I just finished Breaking Dawn from my trip to CA. :) )

The Gray Family said...

do you wake up in the morning, put your glasses on, then wonder why you can't see? It took me awhile to break that habit :>) So glad you got it done!

Kipn n' Sarah said...

So happy for you to have the gift of sight back in your life! ALSO SO happy that you are having a great year full of blessings. I look forward to the many blessings you will have to come as well. Hope they just keep on a coming. As for now enjoy being able to see better and better each and every day! Thanks for reminding me of something I need to be more grateful for daily! LOVES!!

melissa gargalis said...

So excited for you! Wishing I could not have to deal with contacts. Maybe down the road, I'm so worried I'll get it done and one of my kids will accidentally hit me in the eye? that lame? Yay Meagan. Happy lookin' out!

Prathaviraj Purohit said...

I justed wanted to say "I know exactly how you feel!".I got my LASIK done last December & life is now so beautiful! Cheers!!:)